DTayles Creative

Mixed Media

 D T a y l e s   C r e a t iv e  

DTayles Creative

DTayles Creative

 D T a y l e s   C r e a t iv e  

 D T a y l e s   C r e a t iv e  

 D T a y l e s   C r e a t iv e  

 D T a y l e s   C r e a t iv e  

Macro-photography has become my favourite genre in the world of lens. I am exploring mixed imagery with my paintings and this art form. I am finding the illusionary elements fascinating as the outcome is often far more captivating than I initially envisioned. This is where I am most satisfied with the end result and when the work has these different levels of personalization I have come to the euphoric nature of my work. 


 D T a y l e s   C r e a t iv e